You can download the simulation model of the flame sensor from the following link. The flame sensor in Proteus looks like in the following image.
The fire sensor also consists of the operational amplifier which conditions the measured signal so that microcontroller can easily read the signals and successfully process the signals. The fire sensor detects the presence of the fire by detecting the IR (Infrared Radiation) waves present in the fire.

The flame sensor also known as the flame detector is a type of sensor that senses the presence of the fire in its vicinity. In short you must have the simulation models of the components in order to imitate their actual behavior.If you have the component in your circuit whose simulation model is not present in the library of your software then the software will be unable to simulate the behavior of the circuit.While simulating any circuit it is important to keep in mind that the simulation models of all the components that are being used in your circuit or embedded system must be present in the library of the software.There are a lot of the software and online tools available for simulating the circuit or embedded systems, among them Proteus holds the significant position which is equally popular among students and professionals. The simulation software calculates the behavior of the circuit by calculating the mathematical equation of all the components.