Caution: Using the /f option might result in loss of unsaved data. You can use a maximum of 511 characters.įorces running applications to close without warning users. You must enclose comments in quotation marks. You must first provide a reason by using the /d option. If you don’t use /t, the time-out period is 30 seconds by default.Įnables you to comment in detail about the reason for the shutdown. This causes a warning to display on the local console. Sets the time-out period or delay to XXX seconds before a restart or shutdown. Sets the suppressEulaPage flag to ON, which configures DPInst to suppress the display of a EULA page. Sets the forceIfDriverIsNotBetter flag to ON, which configures DPInst to install a driver on a device even if the driver that is currently installed on the device is a better match than the new driver. Sets the quietInstall flag to ON, which suppresses the display of wizard pages, user dialog boxes, and other user messages that DPInst and Windows generate. The computer will reboot in 10 seconds” /f /d p:0:0 Shutdown /r /t 10 /c “Upgrading the BIOS. Open a text editor such as Notepad to create a batch file that contains only the following two lines: DPInst.exe /q /f /se.

Download and install any utility (such as 7-Zip) that allows you to extract files from an.

Download the Express BIOS update file (.This is useful for remote BIOS updates when user interaction is not desired. Runs the Express BIOS update from a batch file without the need for user intervention.