With Slide Navigator, you can quickly switch slides-in or out of sequence-from a visual grid viewable to you at a glance. When you project your presentation to a second screen, Presenter View displays your current slide, speaker notes, and the next slide in your deck. Use Presenter View in Office 2016 to review and rehearse your presentations. Simply duplicate the slides you want to be morphed together, move the objects based on how you want them animated, and click Morph. Morph makes it easy to create a fluid motion with little to no effort, bringing your vision to life. Add an image and pick your favorite, that’s it. PowerPoint Designer delivers high quality customized presentations by providing design options that help you maximize the visual impact of your presentation, in two easy steps.

And you can show or hide comments and revisions.

You can give feedback in MS PowerPoint with the new Comments pane. mov with H.264 video and Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) audio, and more high-definition content. PowerPoint now supports more multimedia formats, such as. Your audience can join you from anywhere, on any device using Lync or the Office Presentation Service. You can send out a link to the slides, or start a full-on Lync meeting that displays the deck with audio and IM.

PowerPoint Home and Student gives you several ways to start your next presentation using a template, a theme, a recent presentation, a not-so-recent presentation, or a blank one. Buy Microsoft 365 for only $6.99/month - Powerful Productivity Apps! Use Word, Excel, PowerPoint and More to collaborate in real time or work offline.